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"The communicate account for user is already in use. Try to use another communicate account" error in 3Shape Unite
"The communicate account for user is already in use. Try to use another communicate account" error in 3Shape Unite
09/11/2023Description of the issue
If you experience the above shown error, try to use another communicate account. This error occurs when there is more than one user on 3Shape Unite operating the same 3Shape Communicate account and one of the users is unable to use it.
Solution of the issue
- Please check which profile was marked as administrator by following the path: More/Settings/General/Users.
- Below 3Shape Communicate account settings find the one called ‘Allow other users to use this account’ and enable it.
- Once it is enabled, go to the second user you can select it right away from the user's list.
- Proceed to configure the 3Shape Communicate account.
After this process, you should use the same 3Shape Communicate account, start sending the case, and see the labs that you previously added.
If the error message persists after performing these steps, do not hesitate to contact Support.