TRIOS 5 LED ring

TRIOS 5 LED ring


The TRIOS 5 scanner now has a LED ring that indicates the status of the scanner.

After you have turned on the system and started the TRIOS software you will see that its color changes according to the status.


LED Ring Status Meaning

Pulsing blue

Not ready

Connection via Share:
Incorrect or no Wi-Fi credentials were entered when connecting the scanner.
Connection via TP-Link Wireless Dongle:
Scanner is awaiting connection with the software. Needs to be selected on the Scanner Management page.

Rotating blue

Connection via Share:
Scanner is awaiting connection with the software. Needs to be selected on the Scanner Management page.
OR PC is not connected to the needed Wi-Fi.
Connection via TP-Link Wireless Dongle:
TP-Link is connected but the scanner is not selected on the Scanner Management page.
OR  TP-Link is not connected.

Constant blue

Scanner is connected to the system, but no tip is mounted.

Rotating green


Scanner is heating the tip.

Constant green

Scanner is ready to scan.

Rotating white


Scanner starts scanning and is waiting for scan data.

Constant white

Scanner is scanning.
*The intensity of the light decreases and becomes dim white, if the scanner loses registration.


Low battery

A solid yellow or blinking yellow LED ring during scanning means the battery is low.


Tip detector issue

Faulty tip detector. Scanner has to be repaired.

No light

LED ring issue

If the LED ring does not light up when the scanner is turned on (battery is working and charged, scanner fan sound is heard), that means it is faulty and the scanner has to be repaired.


In case of any additional questions, please contact 3Shape Support.

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