How to export STL, DCM or PLY files from 3Shape Unite

How to export STL, DCM or PLY files from 3Shape Unite


Scans in DCM, STL and PLY format can be exported by default.

Only post-processed or sent scans can be export. Otherwise, it will not be possible.


How to export files in Unite

1. From Cases view

Go to Cases → select any order you would like to export in DCM/STL/PLY format → open the three-dot menu → select "Export "→ then "Scan": 

2. From a Patients view 

Go to Patients → find the correct patient → find the necessary case → select it → select three-dot menu → select "Export" then "Scan":

  1. Browse to the location where scans have to saved.
  2. Fill in the name for the scans in File name field. 
  3. By default the DCM format is chosen in "Save as type" section. If needed, click on it and switch to STL/PLY.

    PLY format is only available on Dental Desktop or higher and when TRIOS license is active on a dongle.

  4. Click Save button.

Please refer to this video below: 


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