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Why I can't see the same licenses in 3Shape Unite Store as I had on my dongle?
Why I can't see the same licenses in 3Shape Unite Store as I had on my dongle?
In previous 3Shape Unite versions a list of all 3Shape licenses present on your dongle was displayed in the respective page of 3Shape Unite Settings. After update to 3Shape Unite 24.1 only licenses that were included in your subscription and moved into cloud will be displayed on the new Licenses page in 3Shape Unite Store.
So, if you see a different set of licenses on the new Licenses page in 3Shape Unite Store than you had on your dongle before, there are 2 possible reasons for this:
- Currently only licenses that give access to 3Shape apps in 3Shape Unite (e.g., TRIOS, Smile Design, Implant Studio etc.) will be moved from the dongle to cloud. Any licenses required for other 3Shape software (e.g., Dental System, Ortho System etc.) will remain on the dongle, and will not be displayed in the new Licenses page in 3Shape Unite Store. They can still be visible in the dongle overview pages in the respective 3Shape software.
- Also, if your dongle had any licenses for 3Shape apps in 3Shape Unite that were not included in your subscription you're paying for (usually, it's temporary demo licenses), they will not be moved into cloud and will not be shown on the Licenses page in Unite Store.