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What formats are available in Unite to export scans
What formats are available in Unite to export scans
09/11/2023Existing formats
Dental Desktop-Unite is an open system and it's possible to export the scans from it in:
- DCM and 3oxz format - for the use in 3Shape software.
- STL and PLY formats - for importing into 3rd-party software.
DCM, 3oxz, and STL are available by default on all the systems.
Differences between the formats
DCM - Internal 3Shape format of scans which can be used in Dental System, Ortho System, Implant Studio, and any other 3Shape software. This format reflects real live colors captured during TRIOS scanning and is available for both export and import in Unite.
3oxz - Internal 3Shape format of the order/case which can be used in Dental System, Ortho System, Implant Studio and any other 3Shape software. It contains not only scans, but all the screenshots, printable order form and all the patient information and is available for both export and import in Unite.
STL - Scan format that can be used in any 3Shape software or 3rd-party software which supports it. 3D model is in black and white colors, texture and the quality of the scan is the same as in DCM format. This format is available for both export and import in Unite.
PLY - Similar to STL format, is scan format that can be used in 3rd-party software which supports it. 3D model is in adapted colors (not real live), texture and the quality of the scan is the same as in DCM format and it is only available for export of TRIOS scans from Unite.
Prerequisites to have PLY format export in Dental Desktop:
- Dental Desktop or higher.
- Active TRIOS license on a dongle.
In case of any problems or questions, please contact 3Shape support.