How to create backup using Dental System installer

How to create backup using Dental System installer


If running Dental System installer of the same version on top of the existing installation or upgrading it to a higher version a backup will be created.

How to initiate backup creation:

  1. Close all Dental System applications;
  2. Run Dental System installer;
  3. Choose installation/upgrade method: Standard if you want the backup to be created with default settings or Custom if you want to customize backup creation settings.

Types of backup:

  • Full backup – includes database, settings, material files and library files backup. Always created during Standard installation/upgrade.
  • Quick backup – includes database, settings and material files backup. Can be chosen during Custom installation/upgrade.

Backup file location:

The backup file will be created by default in C:\3shape\backup. File location can be changed during Custom installation.

Files created in the selected backup folder:

As a result of backup creation you get 3 files:

  1. [backup file name].txt – a text file with time & date stamp;
  2. [backup file name]_version.xml – a file indicating the versions of the backed up applications;
  3. [backup file name].zip – ZIP archive containing all backed up data.

Orders from order directory (C:\3Shape by default) will not be backed up. You must do it manually, e.g. by copying the orders to an external drive.



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