Creating Default Discounts & Shipping Charges in Pricebooks/Client Pricelists

Creating Default Discounts & Shipping Charges in Pricebooks/Client Pricelists


This article will show you how to enter a default discount on your pricelists using the Billing Dashboard

3Shape LMS gives you the option to create automatic discounts on particular Pricebooks or particular client pricelist.  You also have the option to show the discounts on the clients invoices.


1) Go to Billing>Price Management>Pricelists


2) Choose the Pricebook or Pricelist you want to have the discount

Note: If you add a discount to a Pricebook, all clients assigned to that Pricebook will receive the discount. To add to a specific client only, chose the client's Pricelist


3) Enter the discount percent and/or the Shipping & Handling charge. To make either appear on the invoice, check the Default Present on Invoice box. Click the green Update button



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