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Communicate Inbox
Communicate Inbox
- How to handle Sirona cases in Dental Manager
- 3Shape Dental System Communicate service does not respond/seems not started" error in DS-2019 and above
- "Retrieving orders failed" in Dental System Communicate Inbox
- Secondary 3Shape Communicate account in Dental System
- Orders randomly not arriving into 3Shape Communicate Inbox
- Order can't be accepted automatically in 3Shape Communicate Inbox
- Missing scans in a TRIOS order coming to 3Shape Communicate Inbox
- Empty RPD orders arrive with an error "Incomplete/Invalid, Open(Ctrl+M) to correct, Model element is not connected" in 3Shape Communicate Inbox
- "Incomplete or invalid order. Missing or invalid manufacturer for digital models" when receiving Trios study model orders in 3Shape Communicate Inbox