Part of scan disappears after trimming in Dental Designer or Model Builder

Part of scan disappears after trimming in Dental Designer or Model Builder


Difficulties with trimming scans in Dental Designer

With some of the scans it may be difficult to trim in Dental Designer or Model Builder - a big part of scan is trimmed away. The issue usually issue happens with 3rd party scans, but can also occur with some of the TRIOS scans.

Affected DS versions: mostly DS 2018 and 2019. For Model Builder it's possible to have this issue in earlier versions as well.

Solutions and workarounds:

Solution for Dental Designer: upgrade to DS or above. 

Solution for Model Builder: upgrade to DS or above .

Possible workarounds (if upgrade to DS-2019 and 2020 is not possible):

  1. Try editing scan trimming spline;
  2. Use "Refine scans" feature in Dental Designer (available in DS-2019 and higher);
  3. Use Sculpt tools to add/remove material, smooth the scan and remove artifacts on the scan.
  4. Use Shape Designer or any similar 3rd party application to repair mesh and improve the scan quality.
  5. If none of the above steps have fixed the problem, choose to "Keep all" during trimming and leave the scan untrimmed.

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