CAM output is not generated automatically when completing the design

CAM output is not generated automatically when completing the design


CAM output file generation

CAM output files are created automatically upon finishing the design only if local manufacturing is chosen in the Order form.

If it is external manufacturing - this is an expected behavior that CAM output files are not generated automatically. If local output is allowed for the order, press F7 key or right-click on the order and select Advanced> Generate CAM Output.

If local manufacturing is chosen, but CAM output still cannot be generated automatically, it might be caused by:

  1. Exiting Dental Designer (pressing cross button in the upper right corner) instead of finishing the design with 'Close' button:
    If design process is finished by exiting Dental Designer, the software will not proceed with CAM files generation. Design should be finished by pressing 'Close' button:A close-up of a model of teeth

Description automatically generated
  2. External manufacturer with same name as local ('This site') is selected in the order form:
    1. Go to Dental System Control Panel > Manufacturers;
    2. Check if either of manufacturers in the list has the same name as the local manufacturer (Dental System Control Panel > This site); If yes, there is a chance that you chose the "duplicate" as Manufacturer in the Order form, so Dental System recognizes it as an external manufacturer. The 'duplicate' should be either deleted or renamed.

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