How to configure / disable Relief wax tool

How to configure / disable Relief wax tool


Now users receive an automatic proposal for margin/interproximal and fissure waxing. Automatic relief wax level can be adjusted to control the retentiveness/ease of insertion interproximal. Secondly it may help reduce direct contact with soft tissue, such as gingival margin

Before on Wax trimming step users were adding/removing wax with the help of Wax knife.
A close up of a human foot

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Now there is 2 possibilities to add Wax on the model: 

  • Use Wax knife
  • Use new feature – Relief wax on Blocking out step 
    A screenshot of a computer

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Relief wax tool functionality is presented in percentage, where 0% means no wax on the model and 100% - waxed model. After using this tool it is also possible to add/remove/smooth wax by using Wax knife. Be aware, that it takes few seconds to calculate wax-up model.

How to set up this tool 

  • Go to Settings > Splint Studio > Settings > Relief wax

    By default it is 0%, but if client uses it all the time and would like it to be 25% by default and be applied to all new cases it can be changed here.A screenshot of a computer

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