Impossible to use TRIOS module due to "CPU must support AVX2 to run TRIOS" error
17/05/2024Description of the issue
After updating Unite to 23.1 or higher, you may get the error message "CPU must support AVX2 to run TRIOS" when trying to create a new case or trying to open an existing one.

The root cause of this issue is that the TRIOS module version 24.0.1 (Product Configuration and higher, which comes with Unite updates, requires the CPU to support AVX2 technology. This technology appeared in 2013, so all the processors that were released before 2013 may not support it.
If you encounter this error, verify if your CPU supports AVX2 on the manufacturer's website.
NOTE: For Intel Processors, you may find this information on Intel website: it will be mentioned next to the Instructions Set Extensions - if CPU supports AVX2, there should be AVX2 in the list; if CPU does not support "AVX2", there will be only "AVX" indicated.

If it is confirmed the processor does not support AVX2 (most likely, released before year 2013), your PC should be upgraded with a CPU meeting our system requirements according to our PC Catalogue. To get one, please contact your local 3Shape distributor or 3Shape Support.
In case you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact 3Shape Support.