Gathering more information to send to 3Shape Support

Gathering more information to send to 3Shape Support


This article shows you how to gather more data when reporting issues to 3Shape Support. Providing more information and data can help the team to resolve issues faster and more efficiently. 

If you run into issues with pages improperly loading or are returned blank white modals repeatedly, the CSMs may request certain logs from you. These logs may not display the same on different browsers but will provide the team with the same information.

*Please make sure to note the local time the Network log was done.

Network logs

*Please note that network logs will not log anything until you retry the action.

Google Chrome: 

      1. Click F12 on your Keyboard
      2. Select ">>" arrows and click "Network"
      3. Retry action
      4. Take screenshot of the following log




Mozilla Firefox:

      1. Click F12 on your Keyboard
      2. Click "Network" tab
      3. Retry action
      4. Take screenshot of the following log



*The same can be done with Console logs (click Console instead of Network), providing both Console and Network logs to the CSMs would be preferred

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