How to Use the Product Catalog Transition Tool

How to Use the Product Catalog Transition Tool


The Transition tool has temporarily been disabled. Click here for more information.


This article will show you how to move items from the Old Product Catalog to the New Product Catalog. After the Old Product Catalog is discontinued, items will have to be entered manually. Please read through the entire article, including the FAQs before getting started. 

Prefer to see how to use the tool in a video? Click here!

1. Go to > Settings > Product Catalog > Item Management (New) > Edit


2. Click Transition Tool button 


The first time you open the Transition Tool, an informational dialog box will open. Click through, or use the X to close the box. Clicking on “Go to the Help Desk” will bring you to this article. You can reopen the dialog box any time by clicking on the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner. 

3. All active items in your current product catalog will appear. To transition a specific item, click on the item.

Note: Items cannot be transitioned in a batch


4. From the "General" tab select Type. Then select the Material and Manufacturing method (if applicable). 

A universal name will auto-populate based on your previous selections. You can leave the name as is, or customize the item name.

 *Note: This is the name your clients will see in future integrations with Unite Cloud & Trios/Communicate

5. After completing the required fields, click the blue "Add Item" button at the bottom right of the screen to move the item to the new product catalog. 

*Note: Once an item has been added, information under the "General" tab cannot be edited.

6. If your item is currently available under more than one Product Type (eg. Crown and Bridge or Crown and Implant), You will need to transition the item for each Product Type. Once you've transitioned the item to all Product Types, use the kebab menu to deactivate the item.


7. Any items you do not want to transition, deactivate one-by-one, or in a batch. Click the “Inactive” tab to see items that have been deactivated. You can re-activate them if needed.

Note: If you choose to deactivate items as you transition them, you will have to switch between “New Product Catalog” and “Old Product Catalog” for case entry until all items have been transitioned.

8.  Once all items have been transitioned deactivate them in a batch, click the blue "Finish Transition" button to complete the process (available March 20th). This action cannot be reversed.



  • Can I transitions items in batches? No, you must transition one item at time.
  • Can 3Shape transition my items for me?  No, unfortunately there are selections that only lab personnel can determine.
  • How soon do I need to complete the transition? Please transition all items before April 21st.
  • How long does the process take? That will depend on how many items are in your Product Catalog. In general, each item is a fairly quick process.
  • Do I need to move all items at one time? You can do a little at a time and your progress will be saved.  
  • Can you deactivate items during this process? Yes, you can batch select items to deactivate by checking the box to the left and selecting the deactivate button.  
  • Once an item is added, can I change the Product Type, Material, Manufacturing Method, or Name? No, you will need to create a new item. We suggest someone with a good understanding of categories transition your items to the New Product Catalog.
  • What fields can I edit while using the transition tool? You are able to edit the name of an item only. 
  • Will I need to re-enter or reconnect manufacturing schedules? No, the same default manufacturing schedule, as well as any additional manufacturing schedules assigned to an item, will be assigned to the item in the New Product Catalog.
  • Will I need to re-enter the pricing for my items? Pricing from the Main Pricebook will be assigned to the item. *Custom Pricing on Client Pricelists needs to be re-entered manually--Update coming soon!
  • What happened to my Design Groups? Design Groups have been discontinued; Any requirements selected in Design Groups will not transition over & are not an option at this time.
  • Will items in the Old Product Catalog marked as inactive be copied to the New Product Catalog? No, only items active in your Product Catalog now will be available to transition.
  • What happens to my Additional Features? You will need to manually re-enter any Additional Features as Additional Products. 
  • What if I need help with the transition process?  Call the LMS teams direct line at 1-908-291-8969 or click here to book a session with an LMS team member.
  • Are there any qualifications requirements to use the Dental System integration with LMS? Yes-your lab must be running on Dental System 2024 (Click here for more information upgrading to the latest version--FREE for LabCare subscribers!

*Note: FAQ section is updated as we receive feedback from our customers.

Prefer to see how to use the tool in a video? Click here!

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